parshat Naso

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Yeshiva WebsiteKodesh and Chol
During our lengthy exile an ascetic approach is appropriate. Since we have returned to our Land, the right approach is not separation from - but sanctification of - our material reality.
  • Who's In Control?
    Three diverse subjects combine in our Parsha: The Sota, the Nazir & Birkat Kohanim. Plus Shavuot this week. Is there a connection between all of them?
  • Migdal Eider, the First Yeshiva in Gush Etzion
    The prophet Micha prophesized about a rejuvenation of the nation in Eretz Yisrael, boding good things for Zion and for a nearby place called Migdal Eider.
  • Our Arms Vs. Their Arms
    One of the most ancient, & certainly one of the most beautiful prayers in the Jewish liturgy is the Birkat Kohanim. In just 15 words, Hashem - via the Kohanim - promises us knowledge, wealth, security, Peace & an eternal relationship with Him. What more could anyone ask for?
  • IDF Draft Age...In The Torah!
    What Parshat Nasso has to say about the army draft age for men and the effects of applying the same line of thinking to the IDF today.
  • The Politics of Envy
    Few things in the Torah are more revolutionary than its conception of leadership. Not just kings but all of us, regardless of colour, culture, class or creed, are in the image and likeness of God.
  • Whose Blessing?
    Birkat Kohanim was on “the day that Moshe completed to erect the Mishkan”, which was the 1st of Nisan, which is also called “the eighth day” of the inauguration of the Mishkan. On this day, Aharon lifted his hands and blessed the people.
  • Birkas Kohanim
    Why is the bracha for duchening so different from all the other brochos we recite before we perform mitzvos? If a kohein is suffering from laryngitis, how does he fulfill the mitzvah of Birkas Kohanim? If the chazzan is a kohein, may he duchen?
  • Levites - an Elite Group
    The Levites serve at special functions in the Temple service and are worthy guardians who maintain the physical aspects of the Temple, as well as the talented artists who provided song and melody during the Temple services.
  • An Open-ended Celebration
    Of all the holidays of the Jewish calendar year, Shavuot is the shortest – celebrated only for one day. Many times, this holiday somehow leaves people feeling unfulfilled by what they had hoped to be a spiritual and joyful experience.
  • A Real Jewish Princess
    A magical parable about Shavuot.
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